Monday, September 17, 2012

Damian's Sacrifice #3

You'll never guess who makes a special guest appearance in this week's post.  That's right.  The hero of my first book in the Guardian Order series... BRUTAL!!  You might even get an extra dose of him next Monday, too.  Stay tuned....

“Hey, D!  Heavy boots pounded over to him.  Ax’s eyes briefly scanned Cara before meeting his.  “Sorry to interrupt, but we’ve been called in.  We gotta go.”

Their final exam.  Field combat.

“Gimme a minute.”  The harsh words were barely more than a growl.

Ax’s eyes widened and he eased back a few steps.  “Okaaaaaaaay.  We’ll be by the car when you’re done.”  His gaze swept over her once more as he headed for his Jeep.

Damian inched forward, gripping Cara’s hands, meeting her eyes head-on.  “I’m sorry for this.  But I really have to go.”

“It’s fine.  I should be getting home anyway.  Thank you again for tonight.”  She dipped her head, but the disappointment plastered on her face was impossible to miss.

“Cara.  Please look at me.”  He gently tugged on her hands, drawing her close.

After a moment, she finally lifted her eyes, her forced smile nowhere in those beautiful blues.


“Will you give me your number before I leave?  I don’t have anything to write it on, but you can just tell me.  I have an excellent memory.”  He flashed a grin, hoping to lighten the mood.  For himself as much as for her.

As she recited the digits, he committed them to memory, fingers already itching to press those buttons.  And she wasn’t even gone yet.  Tomorrow.  By the time he got home, she would be fast asleep and he didn’t want to disturb her.

Cara slipped from his arms and opened her car door, creating a physical barrier between them.  Her gaze stayed glued to the pavement as she stood in the sliver of space, pinning herself in.

Damian wanted to wipe away her disappointment, but he couldn’t bail on the Guardian Order.  Especially not tonight.  Not when his future as a Guardian was at stake.

“I promise I’ll call you tomorrow, beautiful.”  He cursed under his breath.  Not much comfort in a phone call, is there?

She nodded, glancing up at him.  “I don’t know what you’ll be doing tonight, but it sounds important.  And dangerous.  Please be careful, Damian.”  Without another word—or a goodbye kiss—Cara slid into her seat, shut the door, and drove out into the night.

His boots were lined with lead, every step toward the Jeep a struggle.  What was his problem?  He’d been waiting for the field test for weeks, eager to prove himself as a soldier and a worthy addition to the most select group of warriors in Arcturian society.  And now, he was wishing the call had come one day later?

“She is quite the female specimen, D.  And what a way to meet her, huh?  Don’t think I didn’t notice that smooth move.”  Atrox grinned, arching an eyebrow.  “Maybe I should have turned down the blonde, and left the table.  Then I would have been the one to bump into her.”

A growl erupted from Damian’s throat, upper fangs extending in warning.  “Back off, Ax.  She’s not your type.”


“Chill out, man.  It’s not my fault you got cockblocked.  Reel in your fangs and get in so we can leave.  You know how Commander Talis will be if we’re late.”  Atrox strolled over to the driver’s side and hopped in. 

He did not just drop his fangs to Ax over a human woman.  Couldn’t be.  He’d just met Cara.  What the hell was he doing getting so possessive over her?  You don’t want a human mate, remember?

After cranking the engine, Ax shot him an impatient look.  “Get the lead outta your ass, D.  The first night of the rest of our lives starts now.”

He climbed into the back, praying that, for once, the guys would leave him alone about females.  That had been an extreme reaction.  For the first time in his adult life, his self-control was in question.

Ax caught his gaze in the rearview mirror, green eyes solemn.  “Get your mind in the game, D.  If you’re distracted during the fight, you die.”

Of course, he was right.  Hell, he was the one reminding Ax and Corrix most of the time.  He had to get his thoughts off of his redhead and back on combat tactics.  A mood transplant would do the trick.

Before Damian said a word, Corrix popped Nine Inch Nails into the car stereo.  “Last” came blasting through the speakers as they cruised through the city streets, shifting his energy and focus to the battle at hand.

Once they got into the industrial area of downtown Freemont, Ax cut the lights and music.  Even though the Order didn’t usually meet close to Savrati hot spots—thanks to the foresight of their oracle—there was no reason to draw unwanted attention to themselves.

They crept into the cracked, barren sea of an abandoned parking lot.  As Damian stepped out, his instincts flared.  Something was off.  He scanned the black expanse, Ax and Corrix doing the same.  But only darkness greeted them.

The air distorted several feet ahead of their position, like a mirage waving across his vision.  A second later, a black Suburban appeared, doors opening in-synch as a group of huge Arcturian males exited the vehicle.

The Guardian Order.

Commander Talis also emerged.  How the hell had they all fit in there?  It was like some twisted version of a clown car.  The biggest of them—their leader, Brutal—stepped forward.

“Nice of you boys to join us.  Grab your guns.  Time for your first taste of Savrati blood.”

Brutal’s teal gaze rested on Damian.  “You’re with me and Talis.”  He shifted focus to the others.  “Atrox, you’ll be with Vain and Havoc.  Corrix, you’ve got Stone and Hail.  Guardians, you have your orders.  Get to it.”

Damian watched as his two best friends walked in the opposite direction.  It wasn’t a surprise he’d been placed with Brutal.  He was the only one in the bunch eligible for induction into the Order.  Once the sacrifice was made, he would join the ranks under Brutal’s command.  So the guy had to be the one to evaluate him.

They headed south through the alleyways, away from the river and into the heart of the city.

“It’s been a while since we’ve fought together, Talis.  You sure you can keep up?  I’m afraid training these boys has made you soft.”  Brutal looked to the Commander, a grin tugging at his lips.

“I’m more worried about you, sitting behind that desk lately.  Your ass is looking kinda fat these days.  At least the training is keeping me in good shape.”  Talis chuckled, and winked at Damian.

He blinked.  Brutal was always so callous and unforgiving during his training sessions.  The term asshole came to mind, though he wouldn’t dare speak it.  Seeing him this way?  It was like he was a normal person.  Almost.  With Brutal being twice the size of other Arcturians, a smart male couldn’t help but give him a wide berth.

The sound of footsteps joining their own snapped everyone into focus.  A group of men turned down the alley.  At a distance, they looked like normal humans, but he knew better.  With razor sharp claws and a full set of fangs extended, there was no doubt what they were.  Savrati drones.  Damn, the bastards were even uglier in person.

Good thing he had his own sharp weapons to play with.  Damian’s fangs—upper and lower—shot out as he slipped his knives from the back of his waist.  The gun stayed put.  Last resort only, since they were in range of human eyes and ears.

The drones pushed forward, moving to surround them.  Brutal and Talis stayed put as they pulled their weapons.

“I want the one in front.”  Damian was here to prove his worth and he was damn sure gonna do it.

Bracing his knives against his forearms, he rushed the enemy, slicing the guy across the abdomen as he ducked a nasty claw swipe.  The drone struck the pavement with his knees.

“Aw, don’t go all weak-kneed on me already.  I’m just getting started.”


  1. From week to week I like it more and more!! Can't wait for next when I hope they' ll meet again!

    1. Thanks Diana! It makes me so happy you are enjoying it :)

  2. I can't wait to see him with a lot less clothes on, ya feel me?
